Saturday, October 31, 2009

RaceFanNetwork Covers ARRC At Road Atlanta

If you are a vendor who is thinking of participating in the American Road Racing Championship (ARRC) at Road Atlanta next weekend; do we have a broadcast value for you. RaceFan will be streaming audio and video live at the circuit for three days. So, if you want your product message heard and seen in conjunction with the event contact and we’ll get you set up with a low cost ad blitz program.



I need your help, I’m on a mission to connect 1,000,000 people with 1,000,000 cars, I have recently partnered with a few companies in the tri-state area that have an OVER STOCK of vehicles that need drivers, yes these cars need drivers. They range from bank repossessions to trade ins, these vehicles range from 6 months old to 25 years old, manufactures from AM General to Yugo, trucks to motorcycles, forklifts to bulldozers, what ever you are looking for I can offer at a discount to any advertised retail price. The inventory changes daily, I come across many vehicles.

I am working mostly in the New York, New Jersey area, this does not make a difference, even if you are in a different state or country I can still ship and/or export you the car you are looking for.

I like to work with individuals, but I will take on a legitimate businesses looking to liquidate or up grade their fleets.

I’m not looking for anyone to sell anything all I’m asking is if you know someone looking for any kind of car THAT DOES NOT WANT TO PAY FULL RETAIL PRICE, forward this e-mail and my phone number and this is what I will do for you and anyone that buys a vehicle.

I’m going to give away 10% on the purchase price of any vehicle up to $1000 to your favorite non-profit charity in your name. I’m not only going to give the store away, I’m going to give it away in someone else’s name. What is he crazy! No I just know if I help others help others, life is better for all. This means if you or someone buys a car or light truck for $2500 I will give $250, buy for $4000 I give $400, buy for $6,000 I give $600.00, etc on up to $1000.00

Listen to what I am saying I am going to give away most if not all of my profit in your name to YOUR charity this is a win win for all. We all know someone who needs a car or wants to upgrade to a newer model and wants to save some money. You get a tax deductible donation that did not come out of your pocket, and your charity gets the help it desperately needs, if that’s not giving I don’t know what is.

That’s all I’m asking this in not a joke I am very very serious. Please read all attachments, if you have any questions you can call between 8am-6pm. At 631 671 9779 You can e-mail questions and vehicle request at, I will need to talk to you to verify all emailed info so don’t forget the best phone number to call you back

Thursday, October 29, 2009

BMW celebra 25 anos do M5 com um CSL único

O esportivo M5 comemora 25 anos neste ano e, é claro, a BMW não podia deixar esta data passar em branco. Para celebrar o aniversário do modelo, a marca bávara desenvolveu uma unidade diferenciada do sedã. Ele adota a sigla CSL, conhecida historicamente na empresa alemã pelo alto desempenho de seus veículos.

A novidade da BMW entrega 580 cv e 10% mais torque que o M5 comum, com carroceria 50 kg mais leve. De acordo com a fabricante, o CSL baixa em até 20 segundos o tempo do irmão “normal” no circuito de Nürburgring. Pena que terá apenas uma unidade…


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cars for the Pacific Northwest Gentleman

What does a man’s car say about him?  Many variables must be considered when choosing the right “rig” or “whip” for the often volatile Pacific NW roads.  But what about impressions?  Choosing a ride that leaves others with a vivid impression of who a gentleman is and where he is going is also vastly important.  Consider some plausible questions that could be posed by on-lookers when you roll up at your next party, social scene, or perspective dating address.

  1. Is this a cool guy with a drinking problem but the bank account to support it?  (Does he live hard?)
  2. Does he care about footprints, carbon or otherwise?
  3. Maybe he’s a white trasher who likes Insane Clown Posse and moto-brap-braps?
  4. Maybe just a resourceful go-getter making a subtle yet powerful statement?
  5. Is he a “married” who spends his Saturdays at the fabric store?

The transportation list is never ending, so let’s focus on a small cross section of vehicles, semi-randomly selected, and evaluate them one at a time.  If you feel so compelled, go ahead an nominate additional vehicle types by leaving a comment below.

1. Subaru Outback/Honda Element (AKA: REI members)

“Hi, I love the PNW and have the car to fit all my outdoor adventuring needs!”  Lame.  You probably also listen to Car Talk and subscribe to a “green” lifestyle.  Oregon heart sticker??  You betcha!!  The Subaru wagon and Honda Element may as well be the same car.  Not going to impress but ain’t going to depress either.  Yes to questions #2, #5, and possibly #4.

Elements bangin' Subarus: Who's on top?!?

2.  BMW 2002 sedan

Big ballin’ and shot callin’.  Cars are like fine suits: one for every day of the week!  The 2002 sport racer of the 1970’s is a gentleman’s car through and through.  Compact for easy urban racing.  European styling for a styling Europeans (or cool dudes).  You can set the bar high when arriving in this car, but be prepared to back it up with a solid wit and worldly view.  No “bros” with flat bills should apply.  Yes to questions #1 and possibly #4, but due to this car’s vintage it’s hard to be sure.

Hello, I was born in you likes das autobahn??

3.  Mercedes Benz diesel (80 to early 90s)

What can we say, the Beagle is a sucker for the classy Euro sedans.  The 80’s Mercedes sedans and wagons definitely fall into this category.  The problem with the Benz is the damn Bio-benzer owners with their bio-diesel stickers and “Look, look…I run on war-free fuels!”  attitudes.  That, and the hippies.  What happened to the starchy stiff collars synonymous with the Benzes of yore?  Yes to questions #2 (sadly) and possibly #5 ‘cuz Portland liberals are everywhere.

Got a side of fry oil with that?

4.  Ford F-150

Well, look who just rocked up rockin’ the new Kid Rock!  You bet those are Mickey Thompson 44s.  You can also bet that any man driving this rig is no gentleman.  Fine ladies, fine liquors and fine trucks??  No.  See question #3 from above.

“How big is my cock? Well, these mudders will kill you, so shut up!” 5.  Bike (fixed or otherwise)

God dammit.  Yes to question #2 and the drinking problem portion of #1.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Der Mini das Kultauto auch für die Ökos

Den Siegeszug, den dieser kleine Flitzer aus England hingelegt ha,t sucht in der
Automobilbranche seines Gleichen. War er in den 70ziger Jahre noch jung, revolutionär so ist er heute dank moderner
Technik aus dem Hause BMW, als Erwachsen zu bezeichnen. Selbst auf der Renntrecke
macht er eine gute Figur. Hier kann jeder fahren, trotz oder weil es gerade nur ein kleines Budget für die Rennfans bedarf.
Ein Spruch von früher hat keine Gültigkeit mehr. Früher brauchtes du zwei Minis: einen für das Fahren und einen für die Werkstatt.
Das trifft heute nicht mehr zu, Heute ist er Flitzer und Showobjekt in einem.
Zur Geburtsfeier des kleine Minis gab es eine Party bei der Mini Challenge in Silverstone.
Echte Racingluft zu schnuppern war hier möglich, auch für Nichtrennfahrern, die bei den sogenannten
Proberunden mit den Profis mitfahren durften. Eine Mitfahrgelegenheit auf hohem Niveau! Äh kleiner Höhe natürlich!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The New Frontier: Workplace Democracy

I often wonder what is coming next, what with instant world wide communication, and access to information instantaneously.  With personal choice now more than ever the key question for everyone in all countries, people are seeking – and obtaining – answers from all around the globe.

That marvelous final bastion of time consumption for the majority of us on this little blue planet: not sleeping… employment: trading our time for money is now being questioned more than ever. Perhaps we feel that being gainfully employed means more than money, like “something to do with our time”, but recent studies show that employee disengagement is the epidemic of the 21st century:  6 out of 7 employees are switched off.  We are running in neutral; idling;  bored;  tuned out; not interested; keen to move on.

That’s 86% of the work force not happy to be there / here / anywhere!!

H1N1 has nothing on the misery and suffering caused by that amount of disengagement.

That’s why I’m excited.  With all this untapped human potential, just sitting in idle, what does it take to re-engage, re-motivate and obtain excellence from them?  That’s exciting: that potential. I know the answer and it’s straight forward: once you get your ego under control.

A friend of mine is doing her MBA in Kuwait and I was helping her prepare for an exam and a group assignment on leadership and organisational management. Great stuff.  I was enthralled by a case study about BMW I was reading.  It clearly identified the democratic, participative management work environment that clearly explained why BMW is so successful right now, whilst other car manufactures are faltering.  As an example BMW has engaged 12,000 new people since 2000, whilst GM and Ford have sacked similar numbers.  BMW does not have workers and managers, they have associates and leaders, but there’s more to it, and what they are doing is not important.  It’s why and how that counts. And it’s all about engagement. This web page is not the case study, but alludes to BMW’s practices a little. Brilliant stuff.

I explain it to my colleagues and my teams like this: the traditional method of business is like a school class room.  [It's really based on the military model, as is school, but relatively few of us have military experience, but "all" of us have been in school.  I'll use the term "us" as the students here, because we know it so well ;o) ]

In a typical school there is a teacher and there are the students.  The students are a bunch of individuals being told what to do by one person: classical management style theory.  The teacher dictates the rules and the students work to our own limits – on our own – to reach our own level of achievement: our grades.  That’s it.  Students can’t wait to leave.  The teacher can’t wait to leave.  There’s very little group work, in fact working in a team can get you expelled (it has a special term: “cheating”).

Consider what happens when the teacher leaves the room?  What do we do?  We all know: we’ve all been there before. We bumff off, goof off, focus on anything and everything but the subject matter.

Something else very interesting is happening that is the essence of participative management: we group together into little collections to discuss stuff, all kinds of stuff.  Do we talk about the subject matter of the class?  Unlikely.  We talk about what interests us at that time.

Imagine if those little groups could be harnessed to drive outcomes?  Self driven, enthusiastic, motivated…

That’s exactly what companies like BMW and Google have done.  They have worked it out.  They work as dynamic, organic groups, openly and in plain sight.

It’s so much fun to do to as well!  People come alive in my groups when I employ the strategies and tricks to engage and motivate a team: to form a participative group.  Quite people suddenly contribute.  Bullies and those who can’t manage their egos become quite, and they either get with it or leave the group.  It’s magic to watch it working.  Just watching the outcomes and achievements of a self motivated, self actualized group of people is wonderful.

Have a look at this very good web site:  Traci Fenton, the founder, has decided to recognize ”democratic” work places and on her web site there are 40 companies that qualify for her 10 point checklist as a democratic company for 2009.

Here are her 10 points:

The WorldBlu 10 Principles of Organizational Democracy™

10: Reflection + Evaluation
Democratic organizations are committed to continuous feedback and development and are willing to learn from the past and apply lessons to improve the future.

1 : Purpose and Vision
A democratic organization is clear about why it exists (its purpose) and where it is headed and what it hopes to achieve (its vision). These act as its true North, offering guidance and discipline to the organization’s direction.

2: Transparency
Say goodbye to the “secret society” mentality. Democratic organizations are transparent and open with employees about the financial health, strategy, and agenda of the organization.

3: Dialogue + Listening
Instead of the top-down monologue or dysfunctional silence that characterizes most workplaces, democratic organizations are committed to having conversations that bring out new levels of meaning and connection.

4: Fairness + Dignity
Democratic organizations are committed to fairness and dignity, not treating some people like “somebodies” and other people like “nobodies.”

5: Accountability
Democratic organizations point fingers, not in a blaming way but in a liberating way. They are crystal clear about who is accountable to whom and for what.

6: Individual + Collective
In democratic organizations, the individual is just as important as the whole, meaning employees are valued for their individual contribution as well as for what they do to help achieve the collective goals of the organization.

7: Choice
Democratic organizations thrive on giving employees meaningful choices.

8: Integrity
Integrity is the name of the game, and democratic companies have a lot of it. They understand that freedom takes discipline and also doing what is morally and ethically right.

9: Decentralization
Democratic organizations make sure power is appropriately shared and distributed among people throughout the organization.

Apply these principles and just watch what happens.

I believe that the essence of a successful democratic process,  is captured by Malcom Gladwell in his book Tipping Point from 2000. That is: “Peer pressure is much more powerful than the concept of a Boss. Many, many times more powerful”.  (You’ll find this little gem buried on page 186).

Think about the teacher/student concept.  How much power does the teacher have?  Very little really. It depends on their character, but it is a doomed, decaying system.  The stronger and more controlling the teacher is with the class, the more the class will work against the teacher when the teacher is absent: it’s a system bound to fail.  On the other hand, peer pressure does nothing but enhance the values and achievements of the group – the only thing to do is guide the group in the desired direction.

But this is not new is it??

Of course not.

Here are some very interesting events of world note that were affected to some degree by the amount of engagement of the participants:

  • The Dutch East India Company founded in 1602 experienced stable consistent share price growth for nearly 200 years, paying an average dividend of 18%
  • British South Sea Bubble and crash of the early 1700’s
  • French Mississippi Company another early 1700’s crash
  • Erlanger Cotton-backed bonds of the US Civil war great in theory but doomed the entire was effort

So what does all this mean?  We’ll it means that a company can limp along on a net profit margin of 0% to 5% using traditional management processes (stressed out managers and tuned out employees) or a company can achieve 20 to 30% returns in an environment with very little turnover, where everyone wants to be there – “The New Frontier: Workplace Democracy”

I want to end with two beautiful quotes from Sir Richard Branson he made on 13th October 2007 when being interviewed on TED.   The video is called “Life at 30,000 Feet“.  Richard left school when he was 15.  He was told by his headmaster that he will either be a roaring success or he would go to prision: he’s done both.

“A company is all about finding the right people, inspiring those people and drawing out the best in people.” @ 1 minute, 45 seconds

“I don’t actually think that the stereotype of a business person treading all over people to get to the top generally speaking works.  If you treat people well, people will come back and come back for more.  All you have in life is your reputation.  It’s a very small world.  I actually think that best way of becoming a successful business leader is by dealing with people fairly and well, and I like to think that’s how we run Virgin.” @ 21 minutes, 20 seconds

Jeremiah Josey

Best Value Motoring Car of the day

It’s hard to believe this Bangle designed Z4 has already been superseded and is already more than 5 years old. Yet, the incredibly phallic shape of the Z4 with it’s ‘flame surfacing’ still looks amazingly fresh even today. It has definitely aged gracefully and now that we’re more accustomed to Bangle’s use of concave and convex lines down the flanks, I have to say that it makes contemporary competitors look a bit stodgy. Chris Bangle must be smiling now that the critics have been silenced. Yet, as much as BMW has been pushing the design envelope, it has always been about the drive. The driving position of the Z4 is classic roadsters, where you sit behind the centre of the wheel base with a seemingly unending bonnet in front of you, an extension of your arms on the till. The fantastically smooth 2.5l inline six is matched well with this chassis and provides more than enough go, while being poised and balanced through the turns. Roadster are about fun and the wind in your hair, but this BMW does refinement and cruising around very well indeed. Even with the roof down at highway speeds, wind buffeting is kept to a minimum and conversation is possible without shouting.

The inside is an inviting place to be, though not exactly sporty. The dash design is clean and simple although it does not reflect the adventurous exterior lines. Instrumentation is basic and works well without the use of the much talked about iDrive system. You sit low in the car and feel snug surrounded by leather. Built quality is exemplary with no creaks creeping into the cabin except over the harshest bumps. It lacks the folding hard top of the latest Z4 but the fabric roof does not take up as much space in the boot and is extremely quick in folding. With the roof up, the cabin is quiet and cosy keeping out the elements well.

This particular 2003 Z4 has done 43,000kms with the owner asking for $36,500. It’s incredible value for such a wonderfully resolved car that still looks fantastic. With most of the sting of depreciation taken out of the initial buying price, the main running cost has already been accounted for. As with all BMWs, make sure to ask for servicing records and have them professionally inspected.

Pros: Aged well, smooth inline six, quick folding roof

Cons: Lacks security of folding hardtops

Via Carsales

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jenson Button: 2009 F1 World Champion

Button & Brawn Celebrate a Double Victory

Last Sunday at the Brazilian Grand Prix, “Great Button” clinched his first ever F1 World Drivers’ Championship after finishing 5th place in the race with a time of 1h32:52.086. I’ve been following the highly talented Brit after watching some clips of his Formula Three performance, and when he became “the man” for Honda’s disappointing F1 team. The 2009 season with Brawn-Mercedes has only been a career blessing for Button after being overshadow by F1 sensation and fellow countryman, Lewis Hamilton, and Spain’s Fernando Alonso. Button responded to his critics by ripping through the competition – winning  the first two GPs and then winning four more GPs in a row. Button has 11 top-5 finishes for the 2009 season.

In addition, Brawn-Mercedes clinched their first ever F1 Constructors’ Championship in the team’s first year. Mark Webber was first with a time of 1h32:23.081.

No more doubting the "Great Button"

Toyota Mark X, Penantang BMW 5

Tokyo, 20 Oktober 2009 - Toyota Jepang telah meluncurkan redisain Toyota Mark X. Sedan baru itu akan diproduksi dalam dua tipe mesin V6, yaitu 2.500 cc yang mampu menyemburkan tenaga maksimum 200 daya kuda.

Mesin ini, sebut Toyota seperti yang dikutip autoworld dan diadopsi mesin Lexus IS250. Tipe kedua adalah mesin berkapasitas 3.500 cc, d yang mampu mencapai tenaga maksimum yang dihasilkan mencapai 314 daya kuda. Mesin tersebut diadopsi dari mesin Lexus GS350. ”Keduanya menggunakan sistem transmisi otomatis dengan enam percepatan,” tutur sumber Toyota.

Sementara, tingkat akselerasi kecepatan dari 0 -100 kilometer per jam dicapai pada 8,4 detik. Mobil yang akan dipamerkan pada Tokyo Motor Show 24 tu hanya butuh satu liter bahan bakar untuk 13 kilometer jarak yang ditempuh. ”Sedangkan mesin 3.500 cc jauh lebih kuat dan halus meski irit bahan bakar,”

Kapasitas bagasi yang mencapai 4.800 liter mampu untuk memuat empat tas stick golf. Sementara, fitur keselamatan berkendara yang ada di mobil ini antara lain, tujuh airbag, sistem pengaman bila terjadi tabrakan, sistem adaptive pada lampu depan, intelligent parking assist, dan masih banyak lagi.

Sedangkan di interior, terdapat perangkat sistem navigasi HDD, 12 speaker plus saluran televisi digital terrestrial 12 inci. Dan balutan kulit pada jok semakin menambah kesan mewah yang memiliki panjang 4,73 meter ini.

Soal kenyamanan suspensi? Tak perlu diragukan. dengan front double-wishbone dan rear multilink suspension menjadikan kenyamanan berkendara semakin mantap. Ihwal harga, sumber Toyota menyebut, sedan yang disebut sebagai saudara dekat Lexus IS dan GS itu akan dibanderol sekitar 2,4 – 3,8 juta Yen atau sekitar 17,6 – 28,1 ribu poundseterling.

Sumber foto 01 | Foto 02

BMW Individual Atlantis E90 M3

This BMW is unique  and it’s one of the latest projects of IND-Distribution for a special client that likes his cars to be personalized and it isn’t affraid to take risks.

I just love the Atlantis Blue colour. The car has carbon fiber roof panel,  RD Sport front bumper, Gloss Black powder-coated tips for the full Akrapovic Titanium exhaust,  Challenge rear diffuser,  KW coilover suspension, Dinan carbon fiber air intake, Rogue Engineering power pulleys and Active Autowerke engine software … but for the performance part this is the only thing we know.

[Source: Promotor]

Thursday, October 15, 2009

BMW lança nova moto no Brasil

Depois de fazer o primeiro lançamento mundial de um modelo automotivo no Brasil neste ano, agora a BMW escolheu o país para ser o primeiro a produzir motos da marca fora da Alemanha. A BMW Motorrad vai montar o modelo G 650 GS em parceria com a Dafra Motos a partir de dezembro em Manaus (AM). O produto estará disponível ao consumidor brasileiro em fevereiro de 2010, ao preço de R$ 29.800, cerca de 40% menos do que custaria se fosse importado da Alemanha.

A escolha do Brasil para montar a moto da BMW deve-se ao desempenho das vendas do país, afirma Rolf Epp, diretor da BMW Motorrad no Brasil, que espera uma expansão de 10% neste ano.

“O Brasil é o único país em que as vendas de motos da montadora crescerão dois dígitos.” A BMW quer encerrar 2009 com 5% de participação no mercado brasileiro de motos acima de 500 cilindradas.

Além da nova arquitetura com dois cilindros, antes era apenas um com 652 cm³, o propulsor da nova F 650 GS está bem mais potente: 71 cv (a 7.000 rpm) contra os 50 cv (a 6.500 rpm) da anterior. Sem falar que o novo bicilíndrico é bem mais silencioso que seu antecessor monocilíndrico.

O novo motor, apesar de derivado da esportiva F 800S, parece ter sido feito para essa funbike. Oferece um ótimo equilíbrio entre torque em baixas rotações e potência em altos giros para se acelerar em avenidas de trânsito rápido. Aliás, o torque máximo do novo motor também é bem maior: agora são 7,65 kgf.m já nas 4.500 rpm – contra os 6,12 kgf.m que chegavam nos 4.800 rpm.

Como resultado, a nova F 650 GS ficou bem mais “esperta”, como se diz no jargão dos motociclistas. Ou seja, responde prontamente a qualquer giro no acelerador. Seja na estrada quando mantém com facilidade boa velocidade de cruzeiro ou no trânsito quando não exige muitas trocas de marchas no câmbio de seis velocidades em função do torque elevado. Resumindo: diversão garantida tanto no uso urbano ou em curtas viagens, já que o novo motor pode levar essa BMW a 200 km/h.

Ciclística mais on-road

A nova F 650 GS ganhou também um conjunto ciclístico mais on-road. Ganhou um quadro tubular e rodas em liga-leve – aro 19 na dianteira e 17 na traseira – em vez das rodas raiadas da antiga versão. Apesar disso, o curso de suas suspensões foi aumentado. Na frente, o garfo telescópico agora tem 180 mm e, atrás, a balança traseira em alumínio tem um único conjunto mola-amortecedor com 170 mm de curso. Cursos bastante longos, fazendo da F 650 GS a moto ideal para enfrentar as valetas, buracos e lombadas de uma cidade como São Paulo. Porém as rodas de liga-leve limitam seu uso no off-road.

A posição de pilotagem continua bastante semelhante à versão anterior – bem ereta e com os braços abertos. Já o assento foi melhorado, e bastante. Está mais largo e confortável tanto para o piloto como para a garupa.

No sistema de freios, a F 650 GS traz a qualidade e a segurança características das motos BMW. Um disco de 300 mm de diâmetro na dianteira com pinça Brembo de dois pistões e um disco de 265 mm com pinça de um pistão na traseira. A versão testada contava ainda com sistema ABS bastante eficaz.

Ela ficou um pouco mais longa que a versão anterior, mas um pouco mais estreita. No total, com a nova ciclística e motor, a nova 650 engordou apenas 7 kg – agora ela pesa 199 kg em ordem de marcha.

Mercado Aberto e Web Motors

2009 BMW F 650 GS Photos – wBW Lightbox – Click photo to view.

NOTE: Photos are 800×600 pixels and open in a JavaScript window.<

Sunday, October 11, 2009

BMW e seus pulos

A nova série de vídeos para web da marca alemã BMW, “Jump for joy”, é bem legal. Mostra a preparação e os “pulos para a alegria” de seus felizes consumidores. O ritmo do comercial é muito bem usado, fazendo você se prender até o final (pra entender isso tudo tem que ver os vídeos).

São dois filmes, praticamente iguais. O primeiro, sem polêmica alguma; já o segundo…

Veja abaixo:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

garabatos en tiza

Mientras ojeaba una revista de bmw he dado con este spot [an expression of joy] en el que la marca alemana colabora con un artista sudafricano que desconocía hasta ahora. A Robin Rhode [obras] no se le puede encasillar en una simple pared con trazos de tiza, aunque haya conseguido darle una nueva dimensión a un gesto casi infantil. El hecho de pintarrajear sobre un plano urbano lo convierte en fotogramas que reflexionan sobre el espacio en que se enmarcan. Un paso más allá de los garabatos en tiza.

The Perfect 1000+hp Playground

Gustav over at M5 Board has got a good thing going. Not only is it a great forum, but he’s managed to secure the perfect playground for all of our favorite high horsepower toys – an airfield. Mmm mmm. He’s been bringing some seriously FAST cars out of the woodwork to show what they’re made of on the tarmac. And it’s an amazing thing to see cars have a home to go all out without restriction run after run after run…especially those who have the top end power they can hardly ever tap into on the road.

Now Gustav has brought some amazing and exotic machinery out to face off against the best of what BMW has to offer. And while it surely is a treat to see BMWs beat up on Lamborghinis and Kleeman-tuned Benzes, I think it’s even more exciting to see modded Roundels go head to head with their own.

The vids below are near and dear to my heart since I am a huge fan of E34s and E30s…but even moreso because they are packing much more heat than even your top shelf modders usually strive for. How much more you ask? Well, the E30 M3 is shoehorned with a V10 out of an E60 M5 (500hp) and the E34 M5…well that has a turbo’d S38 motor putting out 1000hp (although in this vid the boost is turned down to run ~750). The result? You’ll just have to see for yourselves:

V10 E30 M3 vs. stock M6 (just to put things into perspective):

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Welcome To Our Blog!

Classic Marques is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of quality used prestige, sports, high performance, 4×4 and specialist cars. We also offer a large range of excellent family saloons, hatchbacks and estate cars which cater for all budgets.

Our unrivalled approach has delighted customers for over 20 years and our team prides itself on achieving its commitment to deliver the highest level of service at all times. Our experience allows you to be confident that the vehicle you are purchasing will not only satisfy all your motoring needs but will also be excellent value for money.

At Classic Marques we are proud to be able to say that our client list includes not only hundreds of customers who return year after year but many people who are recommended to contact us by past clients, many of whom are high profile professionals who appreciate the ‘low key’ approach we offer. We offer you the time and space to make what is of course an important purchasing decision, but should you need any assistance, one of our professional team will always be on hand to assist.

We consistently offer our customers the best possible service no matter when or where it may be. Additionally, should you wish to acquire a vehicle that you do not see currently listed on our site, please let us know and we will happily locate the perfect vehicle for you. No matter what your lifestyle or budget may be, we can advise you along each step of the way.

After all, at Classic Marques, your satisfaction is our goal.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Alfa Group and my own inheritance Audi, Volkswagen, Volvo and etc.

From that nice shop  with the own name of my own mother that manager decided to beat me. His heroism happenly look Armenian woman, which in that family ,with connections with killing in Greece and slavetrading , play the role of the mother of  the wife of that hero.

Why that hero till now in alive if all of them’s must be kill  in  December 1979, from the starting the Afghanistan War ?

That Volkswagen company they appropriated not only with the castle but with Italian company Audi too- translated as -Au-u-u doubles.

Now that company registrate as Germany. And rule in Brussel, jummped to China, baked or deficated financies here .

Now Greece are occupate by Russians army with there’s Minister of Defence from IKEA company and with trading education Anatoliy Serdukov( with Armenian freak’s mixe),

foto- Serdukov with Putin

which some years ago lived in Asbest and has a private strong connections with Irina Noskova- Smirnova- Gorbacheva, which now with Ivan Smirnov and campany of doubles and face of George Soros happenly appropriated my own inheritance fund after my own grandfather in USA.

And with the help of Gorbachev’s fund deficated financies from that fund. All of them’s have a connections with Gazprom- my own inheritance from my own father. Lukoil and Gazprom – are twins companies.

The role of Greece police play the police from Georgia. Now the question – for what reason was mass killing the citizents in Georgia and North Osetia?foto Saakashvilli with Timoshenko

Michail Saakashvilli have strong connections with terrorist in Japan metro Oleg Lobov and his son Pavel Lobov- Surkov, Evgeniy Primakov with Maria Likhosherst – exotic name Sheikha Moza in Qatar and Bush family.

Having sat with me on one school and student’s bench all of them suddenly became billionaires.

Maria Likhosherst studied with me at the Ural University- before that she lived in Kiev, but education decided to took in Sverdlovsk. Now she have nickname Sheikha Moza in Qatar. Qatar is Opec country and from Qatar was the trustee of my own inheritance oil and gas business from Middle East projects of my own grandfather.

Natalia Chernova studied with me at the same time in the same University. Now she – new made queen with nickname Rania from Abdullah in Jordan. Lubov Mazurina – Eberzenok studied here too. Now she have another name too- Irina Abramovich. For all of them’s as for my adopting family and there’s slop pail Larisa Bakova- Asma Al Assad oil and gas growing up on the fig tree, where they looking that product all that years.

In Russia well known complex figure from three fingers which have a name – fig and means fuck. Understand?

One of the components of that growing up at the fig tree oil and gas business are coal and salt . One of the component’s of the fig tree at the Berezovskiy deposit gold and diamonds place near place of the killing Royal Romanov’s family Sverdlovsk are coal and chrome. One of the components of the fig tree specially for Josif Stalin’s( translated as -steel) family- is steel. One of the components of the fig tree specially for Larisa Ginko-Surkova ( now Hillary Clinton) and Pavel Lobov-Surkov-is nickel.

What all that’s gipsy’s family have there’s and not stolen from me and my own family?

In the Soviet Union that gipsy’s family has there’s native portrait at the theater stage- musical gipsy’s group” Romen” with Nikolay Slichenko ( Kovalenko-Lopatinskiy) at the head, which prepared the place for starting to the Rome.

They appropriated not only Swallow Nest in Krym, but Swallow Nest in Rome and Crete my own inheritance from my own grandfather and grandmother. All that gipsy’s with Armenian’s and Georgians relations , with Kerk Kerkorian, Anastas Mikoyan, Leonid Brezhnev with new names and with the masks and doubles one the morning decided that they could press me during all my own and my own relatives live- deficated my own live, live of my own grandfather, grandmother, my own father and mother and my own son’s. And live at my own profits and business from my own grandfather’s and own father as at there’s native financies, having long live pension for them and there’s mass gipsy’s posterities with mass doubles.

And will be pressed me by there’s freak Bienkowski, which in real live Pavel Kovalenko-Lopatinskiy- Lobov- Surkov with mass doubles. Killing the parents and appropriating there’s childs, there’s financies, property, business and trading by that childs and putting them’s for sex clubs and sex exploatation- they decide that can and could fascists under me and my own live, live of my own childs as they fascisting and sadisting under the live of there’s victims.

Ryutaro Hashimoto was Prime Minister of Japan from 11 January 1996 – 30 July 1998. His appearing in office was the date of the birth of my adopting mother. Her native relations Josif Stalin and Nikita Krushev.Ryutaro Hashimoto died or legalisated his death 01.07.2006 and two month later from 09.09.2006 started the series of the killing or legalisation the death in Russia.

First was Arkadiy Wolskiy, which face now as the king of Spain -Karlos. His partner new made queen Sofia has the face of Raisa Gorbacheva- native sister of Evgeniy Primakov- she happenly died 20.09.1999.

The name of that Prime Minister has translation- at the morning she has deficated( financies). He was the helper of Larisa Ginko- Surkova and her husband Pavel Surkov- Lobov in the cleaning my own inheritance banks accounts.

Tomiichi Murayama – prime minister of Japan from
30 June 1994 – 30 January 1996. “His government was criticised for not dealing quickly with the Kobe earthquake that hit Japan on January 17, 1995. Just two months later, on March 20, the Aum Shinrikyo cult carried out the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway.”

Tsutomu Hata prime minister of Japan – his name translated as – that’s we and m-o-o took that-in office from
28 April 1994 – 30 June 1994. Kiichi Miyazawa – translated as – go out cats and dogs – from the hero see have ( Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture)
5 November 1991 – 9 August 1993. Connections with Sergey Lopatinskiy, Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya and there’s son Sawa.

Toshiki Kaifu prime minister of Japan which name have translation- that she key and kaif- he in office from 10 August 1989 – 5 November 1991. “He was born in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture“. In the town of naked and the prefecture of the looking.

Sōsuke Uno- translated as – suck from the yought -was born “ August 27, 1922–May 19, 1998) was a Japanese politician and the 75th Prime Minister of Japan from June 3, 1989 to August 10,1989.” From adopting mother and her native daughter Larisa Bakova with exotic name now Asma Al Assad- translated as – herself pee urinate.

foto- Larisa Bakova with nickname Asma Al Assad which one the morning decided to look as I, appropriating my own inheritance after my own grandmother nominal jewerly with the letter A and my own childs foto album she jummped to Syria in december 2000

Sosuke Uno became the prime Minister in the day of the killing John XXIII – John XXIII was killed tree month later his meeting 06.03.1963 in Vatican with Kruschev’s daughter Rada Adzubey-Adzhubei and her husband- 03.06.1963. That prime minister with connections with one more there’s mummers – Phillip of Greece- happy husband of Elizabeth II with the face of Iya Smirnova.

Noboru Takeshita” (竹下 登 Takeshita Noboru, February 26, 1924 – June 19, 2000) was aJapanese politician and the 74th Prime Minister of Japan from November 6, 1987 to June 3,1989.”

Nakasone Yasuhiro- prime minister from 27 November 1982 – 6 November 1987.

Zenko Suzuki “(鈴木 善幸 Suzuki Zenkō; January 11, 1911 – July 19, 2004) was a Japanesepolitician and the 70thPrime Minister of Japan from July 17, 1980to November 27, 1982.”

Started the war in Afghanistan and appropriated Iran they appropriated Japan too. From that time some Ginko family rule in my own inheritance after my own grandfather and took at there’s hands Suzuki company.

That company has strong connections with

Hawaii Montgomery Motors, LTD
818 Iwilei Rd.
Honolulu, HI 96817

They install me by strange fascists installation and fascisting and sadisting at that installation at me. As I wrote .

05.10.2009- 00:29- I hear ” Sasha, close chat with her”- and I hear the voice of Ludmila Basanova-Lopatinskaya- native daughter of Arkadiy Volskiy, which with squeal has got to pull  me at uterus and beat on a teeth.

” You are old fool”- said the man , when they understood that I hear them . Who was that Sasha ? Ruddy Sasha Cibin with the face of prince Charles in UK or somebody else?

Bodyguard of the information picture of my own father John Paul II – has the same surname- Cibin ,only another name- Camilla. Who was that interesting bodyguard, which as Marcinkus -Marcinkievicius  which one the morning decided that can to rule in Vatican bank, decided that he must be the bodyguard of my own father and me? And which so overesexing and lier’s, that for his information picture was given the name-” illness novel  came “?

05.10.2009 near 18 : in Lidl some woman became with squeal  by installation stifle and strangle me- to stifle  in ears and in a throat and  to block oxygen in a brain.

Who must  kill such maids? Who must kill all that  rat’s and gipsy’s  nests families as Smirnov- Gromov- Abramovich, Lopatinskiy- Lobov- Gliklad- Kobson-Elcin- Mechrencev, Primakov- Andropov- Stroganov- Bush,  Ginko- Surkova- Merkel- Clinton and all freaks relatives of Gorbachev- Volskiy- Chernova, new Rockefeller-Soros- Murdoch- Rotschild  etc.?

Those, who all that’s years happenly took my own inheritance financies, business, property, profits without information me at all. Those, who all that years took billions from the profits in concern Opec to my own defence, write off that profits as for my own needs.

Don’t forgetting to took for our unblocking in Lithuania plus 1,5 billions- at that time appropriating 500 thousands billions profits at the year during min. 20 years and killing the trustees of my own inheritance oil and gas business in Middle East. Understand?

Those who happenly look now how some freaks fascisting and sadisting under me. All that’s Noskova- Smirnov- Gorbachev- Soros freaks which lied all that years, deficated my own inheritance financies from the fund’s.

Now blocking me in Greece and pressing they became once again to blackmail my own father, decided that my own inheritance financies are the pension for all that’s gipsy’s and dolly’s.

They take and calculate every cent from that pension that they pay for licking there’s bottoms. For renting  villages appartment with walls and without nothing, with making to dust all my new electronic things, computer,TV, new bed with elektronic pomba,begs- which that freak Aleksey Smirnov decided to deficate , my own new dresses, my hair -I must suffered the freaks at my own head on another floor- which that Aleksandr Gliklad or Aleksandr Primakov decided to  house here to my pressure.

All that’s Smirnov’s – Gromov’s- Lopatinskiy’s- Gliklad connections who must kill for all of that?

Renting for me that slop pail appartment for the fantastic price- they broke all what they see in that appartment- they regulate the water delivery to that appartment,  neighbours use that water and electricity- as in Vilnius  Russian- Belarus  freaks Botvinko- and must pay for that- I. They, that neighbours, regulate the temperature of that water and if there’s freaks minds decided, they with squeal’s present me instead hot water- cool  and instead cool hot.

I demand to remove all that citizens from ex Soviet Union countries and new Europe from my own live and live of my own sons. I demand   120 trillions for the sec. for there’s appearance in my own live and live of my own sons for everybody. I demand 120 trillions for the sec. for absence my own sons in my own live. I demand 120 trillions for the sec. for no execution the will and  testament of my own grandfather. I demand 120 trillions for the sec for no execution the will and testament of my own grandmother.

I demand 120 trillions for the sec. for presence there’s freaks in my own live. I demand 120 trillions for the sec. for there’s pressing by there’s freaks. I demand to kill them for there’s pressing  me by my own child’s. I demand to kill that fascists freaks. I demand to kill that nasty bliad’. I demand 120 trillions for the sec. for that chat with me. I demand 120 trillions for the sec for that  fascists installation inside me. I demand 120 trillions for the sec. for that covering for that’s fascists. I demand 240 trillions for the sec for regulary threat  my own  life and my own health. I demand 240 trillions for the sec. for regulary threat live and health of my own sons for everybody.

When that pedale  ( gay) Aleksey Smirnov was beaten me, some maid crying- ” Now you are deficated and gassing from bottom” and became to pull out me to the back pass.  As in Lidl they stiffled  and strangled me. Transport slop pail nasty maid. Web cam freaks.

I demand to kill those ,who installed me by that’s fascists installation, ordered and uses. As in me and with me, as in my own sons and with my own sons.

BMW x Audi

A “guerra” pela preferência do consumidor é muitas vezes quase desleal. A nova campanha da BMW, criada para a Internet, não seja desleal, no entanto dá uma mega alfinetada na sua concorrente alemã Audi.

Para quem não entendeu “bulhufas” do vídeo, a BMW mostra a preparação e os “pulos para a alegria” de seus felizes consumidores. Simples assim!

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Ví lá no Brainstorm.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Auf ein Bier (& viele Kippen) mit theohrt

Herzlich willkommen, meine Damen, meine Herren, liebe Bayern, zum ersten (und höchstwahrscheinlich letzten, aber vielleicht auch nicht) Mal zu “Auf ein Bier (& viele Kippen) mit theohrt”, welcher wohl ich bin und in Ermangelung anderer Diskussionspartner hier die Show alleine schmeisst (die grammatikalische Diskrepanz von erster und dritter Person im vorhergehenden Satz ist gewollt, findet Euch damit ab).

Es geht mal wieder ein Sonntag zuende, und weil niemand mit gesundem Urteilsvermögen noch das “Wort zum Sonntag” schaut, sondern lieber Pornografie mit Posex, hier sozusagen mein “Wort zum Montag”, mein neues “Philosophier mit Bier” oder schlicht mein Kampf gegen das Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitssyndrom, das Schreiberlinger in der sogenannten Blogosphäre so umtreibt, ein weiteres Bollwerk gegen den Journalismus, die Literatur und allgemein dem “guten Geist” und per sofort auch gegen die “”…
Eine neue Arbeitswoche steht also ins Haus, da lohnt es sich nochmal über das geleistete, gedachte und verpasste der letzten nachzudenken, ohne eindeutige Schlüsse zu verbleiben und schließlich grübelnd keinen Schlaf zu finden, damit alles so bleibt wie es ist. Mein Kaffee ist alle, danke. Wem sowas interessiert: letzte Woche ging es um Koalitionsgespräche des Bösen mit der Niedertracht, dem Sarrazin sein Wackelpeterhirn und der bevorstehenden neuen Blütezeit der Satire; dem Kampf gegen die Krise, dem Kampf gegen den Reichtum der dritten Welt und den Möglichkeiten zur Wiedereinführung der Atomkraft (aber das war ja alles schon vorher so und doch hat es wiedermal niemand gewusst). Bullschitt also, aufrichtiges Desinteresse meinerseits, danke, wo ist die nächste Zigarette?
Was mich in meinem süperiösitären Geist jedoch umtreibt ist die Neugestaltung der Welt und der Menschheit an sich, die Rettung der Erde und der Kampf gegen die Lügen, Betrügereien und Blartz der Reichen und Mächtigen, die uns an jedem neuen Tag aufs Neue missbrauchen für ihre düsteren Machenschaften, die (wie immer) wahrscheinlich etwas mit der Wiederbelebung von Cthulhu (oder Christus, Mohammed und Dhalai Dingsbums) oder die Möglichkeit zur Verwüstung unserer letzten Hoffnungen auf ein wertes Leben beziehungsweise, das was wir darunter verstehen und natürlich: Fürzen zu tun haben (und sowas sollte man nicht unterschätzen).
Im Allgemeinen gilt jedoch: wir sind selbst Schuld.
Wir sind Schuld daran, daß Politiker unsere Freiheiten beschneiden und das auch noch vom Wähler belohnt wird, wir sind Schuld, daß die Erde von unserer Industrie zugrunde gerichtet wird, und wir sind auch Schuld, daß ein Erdbeben und/oder Tsunami, Sturm oder wasauchimmer (was böses jedenfalls) Samoa oder Surinam oder diese andere große Insel (oder Küstengegend) mit S verwüstet hat – weil wir es so wollten. Faulheit, Feigheit, Selbstzufriedenheit und Arroganz – das sind die Gründe, warum alles den Bach runtergeht und die Katastrophen, die dann in den Nachrichten landen sind nur die Symptome des Virus Mensch, dessen Teil wir alle sind. Amen.
Können wir was tun? Oh ja, na klar: ändert was. Das muss ja nichts großes sein: lest mal einen Tag NICHT was Poltically Incorrect so ausscheidet aus Seinem gigantischen After voller durch Pro-Amerika-Pro-Israel-verschleiertem Nazischeiss, kauft nie wieder die BILD, boykottiert die Produkte eines Großkonzerns (irgendeines Großkonzerns, nur seid mehrere dabei), trinkt weniger Alkohol und raucht Zigaretten, wo ihr es nicht dürft: all das hilft, glaubt mir und wenn nicht (also wenn ihrs nicht glaubt): beweist mir das Gegenteil. Zündet Porsches und Audis und Mercedesse und meinetwegen auch BMWs an, bekennt Euch aber nicht zur Tat (sonst ihr Hohlbratzen seid) und lasst die MoPo darüber spekulieren, was das alles zu bedeuten hat. Schmeisst ausnahmsweise mal nicht die Scheiben von McDo oder ner Bullenwache ein, sondern brennt die Hamburger Ausländerbehörde nieder oder die Redaktion des Spiegels. Oder fangt an, miteinander umzugehen, gewissenhaft und ungezwungen als sei Euer Gegenüber kein Fremder sondern ein entfernter Bekannter, den man zwar Siezt aber gerne sieht, egal wie beschissen seine Aussprache ist (und ob er Lederhose und Jägershütchen trägt – ja, selbst Bayern können Bekannte sein). Hört auf, Eurem freundlichen Umgang miteinander bestimmtes Verhalten (zB lt. Knigge) vorauszusetzen, oder Eurer Kommunikation miteinander sprachliche Regeln abzuverlangen (ja, isn Kernthema meinerseits) und – verdammte Scheisse nochmal – hört gefälligst auf Euch und Eure Gedanken so wahnsinnig Ernst zu nehmen – tendenziell isses doch eh alles Blödsinn. Wie das was ich von mir gebe, deshalb tu ichs ja auf WordPress und nicht vor Publikum.
Übrigens: das Wetter könnt ihr trotzdem nicht ändern, tut mir leid.
Macht den Fernseher aus und Euer Hirn einmal mehr an, als Normalerweise, hört auf Arme, Ausländer und Assoziale als Abschaum zu bezeichnen (wie es in Wald hinein schallt…) und tut wenigstens mal so, als ob es etwas wichtigeres als Geld, Besitz und Rechthaben gäbe… und werdet trotzdem keine Hippies, denn die stinken, sehn kacke aus und denken Mülldeponien auf Amrum.

Ich könnte mir auch vorstellen, über anderes nachzudenken:
Zum Beipiel: müssen wir den Dhalei Lhama (oder wie der geschrieben wird) gut finden, weil er debil grinst, schlauerscheinende asiatische Allgemeinplätze von sich gibt und Kalif sein will anstelle der Kalifen?
Müssen wir uns wirklich bei der GEZ anmelden, obwohl die (und deren Geldabnehmer) noch nie etwas sinniges für uns geleistet haben?
Müssen wir uns damit abfinden, daß der Lissabonner Vertrag durch ist, obwohl wir niemals selbst darüber entscheiden durften – uns schließlich aber daran halten müssen?
Müssen wir uns an Gesetze halten, die zwar von unseren gewählten Volksvertretern verabschiedet, deren Nutzen uns aber nie erklärt wurde?
Müssen wir wirklich wissen, wie es um Brangelina steht?
Müssen wir uns schuldig fühlen, weil wir wiedermal lieber einen Film über Bittorrent runtergelanden haben, anstatt wie velangt, dafür in irgendeiner Form Geld abzudrücken?
Was war zuerst, der Hahn oder die Kötel?

In diesem Sinne:
mein Bier ist leer.

What is Avicenna? For morons and degenerates from Japan Zoo and Kobson family

“ It became the first city in history assaulted by nuclear armament when the  United States of America dropped an atomic bomb on it on August 6, 1945, near the culmination of World War II…

On September 17, 1945, Hiroshima ( Heroseema) was struck by the Makurazaki Typhoon(Typhoon Ida), one of the largest typhoons of the Shōwa period”- Who knows what is it?

New Prime Minister of Japan

Yukio Hatoyama- translated as -you a falsificat and illusionist for that you have pit. He was born 11.02. as my own son. His wife have interesting name too, more- she is actress. There’s child has education in Moscow as engineer – it means fig tree for oil and gas as for Taro Aso.

“Hatoyama comes from a prominent Japanese political family which has been called the “Kennedy family of Japan.”

Kennedy was only information picture of my own father- they killed him with the help of there Belarus agent because they think by there pure mind – my own father must seat down at throne of the USA by himself -John Kennedy was killed 22.11.1963 and John XXIII was killed five month before- 03.06.1963 after the meeting with Chrushev’s -Khrushchev’s daughter Rada Adzubej -Rada Adzhubei and her husband – 06.03.1963. After that meeting that happy family decided that John XXIII – my own father. They repeated the killing with John Kennedy.

Foto Khrushev and Kennedy in June 1961 in Vienna

Who was my adopting mother and with wich name she lived before?

And why in 1963 that Kruchev decided to plus for Ukraine and Lastochkino Gnezdo- Swallow Nest in Krym to his private property after the killing John XXIII and John Kennedy?

That Mr. Pit can not be from the” Kennedy” family not as information picture , not as with own relations with us. Surname Kennedy have translation as – to NN I am going.

Yukio Hatoyama’s wife have native connections with Josif Stalin’s family. Who now seating in Japan?

( Look the beginning  ” Taro Aso from Ginko family, Chikako Aso as the daughter of Diliara Zabarova, basin of fig tree of oil and gas, CNN, Volkswagen, BMW and Zoo from Japan”

In Wroclaw translated as – Slava is robber in Poland- was Zoo. Another Zoo – in Sverdlovsk- were has his appartment Sergey Lopatinskiy and Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya. That appartment they selled to Aleksandr Yakovlev – now Aleksandr Turkin.

In Moscow near Moscow Zoo live Oleg Lobov at the Zoologicheskaya Str. Why that nice terrorist with strong connections with terror in metro Tokyo decided to live in such interesting place?
Robbering all my own inheritance financies and profits which they could to took, they all so like to live in my own Castles , that till now as 
Clowns wriggle near me and my own sons.

With that my own inheritance after my own grandmother Castle Wolfsburg – Wolfsburg Schlosse– they appropriated one more little present – that firm

Volkswagen was my own inheritance from my own grandfather. For that Marina Berlusconi – Mechrenceva happenly helped to robbed my own inheritance such freaks as Andrey Kozuchov – Mechrencev, Andrey Titov- Romas Marcinkievicius, Igor Titov- happy husband of Dariga Nazarbayeva, Modest Prokopiev, Aleksandr Turkin – Aleksandr Grigorievich Dekanidze or Dzerzinskiy- Sverdlov and etc.

His grandfather shooted the Royal Romanov’s family in Ekaterinburg and that’s town after that has the name Sverdlovsk.

What relatives they have and how old are them’s?

In April 2008 Marina Berlusconi decided to marriage with some Japaneese. And has a wedding. That information in a shot period of time disappeared from internet and appeared another information with another husband.

And Silvio Berlusconi at that momemt quickly decided to seat down at the place of Prime Minister of Italy. Look the beginning  ” Taro Aso from Ginko family, Chikako Aso as the daughter of Diliara Zabarova, basin of fig tree of oil and gas, CNN, Volkswagen, BMW and Zoo from Japan”

In Japan parlament – interesting deputy Naoto Kan – translated as – have and take or go to An and another go to An. That Naoto Kan look like ordinary tatarian . How he appeared in Japan?

As in Russia Naina Elcina presented the ruling to her native daughter Tatiana with the new name Ludmila Putina, in Japan all last years rulling in my own inheritance Mechrencev-Kozuchov- Lopatinskiy- Lobov- Nazarbayev family give to each other the place of Prime Minister of Japan- there’s mr. Mikasa- translated as – we are bank cash and mr. Akihito- translated as – Ak hi hit that- all that years rule in the country with the financies from my own inheritance, forgott to inform me about that and th pay the profits.

With connections with appropriating my own inheritance in Middle East ( as Saudi Arabia and etc.- Al Waleed bin Talal – with the face of russian militarist Andrey Kozuchov , new made king Abdullah- translated as – swindlered ah- with the face of the native brother of my adopting mother – without make up – he was Benedict XXVI , with make up – king Abdullah. Who knows what is it?)

The same situation in Italy. In new made Berlusconi – Mechrencev family.

As Bush family, as Clinton’ family , as Barrack Obama- translated as – barrack have both and boss from Russian special and prostitute service mixed with Negro, Mongolian, Kazachian’s and etc. which appropriated under the names Primakov, Ginko–Surkov, Lobov, Breznev, Lopatinskiy,Chrushev- Khrushev , Dzerzinskiy my own inheritance in Russia and USA.

In Japan rulling from my adopting family new baked mr. Mikasa-translated as – we are bank cash and mr. Akihito- translated as – AK hi hit that- all of them lost not only oil and gas industrial places but steel and weapons too.

Miyuki Hatoyama – translated as – ma-a-y as cat for that and pit.

Now in Greece the same situation. Armenian- Georgian- Russian’s freaks from Stalin-Lopatinskiy, Cruchev -Ezov- Vorochilov’s family present the role of the head of the country to each other.
Who are that Polish – American freaks which appropriated Lithuanian Mazeikiu Nafta- my own inheritance, Polish Plock , Gdansk, opened new bank under stolen from me profits and inheritance business , who started appropriating my own inheritance near me in Lithuania and jummped later and pressed me till now ?

Baked the financies in China they jummped to Japan.

They are so business , that they lost all financies in China. In any words defecated that financies. That new baked wife from China as new baked wife of Rupert Murdoch- double – Rupert Murdoch by himself was killed in Lithuania in the beginning of 1990 under the name Vytautas Landsbergis- Zemkialnis ( father). After that killing they appropriated my own inheritance in Australia too.

Appropriating 500 thousands billions from the year during minimum 20 years they pay now for us there’s pension from mad house for licking there’s bottom’s near 1000 euro for month- and not paying -underpay from that sum every month 200 euro, plus take payment to prostitute Silvia with her gigolo Alex Gliklad – 370 euro every month for appartment after the killing here old peoples- property of that victims, which that gigolo appropriated and which they all chew and which the soulruin for Jews.

New prime minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama at first decided to meet with Barack Obama.

Foto – who payed for all of that? And where are my own inheritance financies from Federal Reserve ? It is the private bank, by the way, and my own inheritance after my own grandfather .Foto- who payed for there’s elections and from which financies?

Who has allowed to that freaks to take my own inheritance financies, business, profits, villas?

Who has allowed to that freaks to opened the testament of my own grandfather and own grandmother without me and without information me at all? Who have in his seif box now that testament? Who decided that it is possible?

Who has allowed me to installed and to pull for perineum and vocal chords?

In ears amplifiers of a sound and at the head of my and my own sons magnet’s-who are that fascists rubbish maids and there’s gay’s?

In old Egypt buryed with all property of the deads – nobody did not take not there’s

The son of new prime minister of Japan has education at Moscow state University as Evgeniy Primakov. That Primakov with native relations with Kazakhstan and Georgia was from Ukrainian special service with connections with Nikita Krushev.

In any words great kazakhian- georgian’s mixe. Who was my adopting mother before she decided to appropriate the own name of my own mother, her own daughter and her inheritance , business, financies and profits?

Native son of Evgeniy Primakov- Aleksandr now in Greece play the role of great bankier, robb and kill the old peoples and stole the childs. In any words he has strong connections with raven’s and with mass cemetery in Greece under the name Irakliy- translated as -and cancer to pour. Some years ago that Primakov has the big debts for Arab countries and started the war between Kuwait and Iraq.

In Kuwait he took a financies and happenly deficated ( defecated) them’s. Native daughter of that Primakov Nina was a director of the school where my own sons has education- school 60 in Vilnius.

Native granddaughter of that Primakov for there’s legende died in twin -towers, when they ruined the property of my own grandfather and my own inheritance twin-towers 11.09.2001. – and three weeks later they started first savaging attacks against me.

Don’t forgett ,that they killed David Rockefeller in 1975 in the Primakov house and to USA happenly going the double – illusionist and the conjurer and became to rule in my own inheritance. Another native daughter of thart Primakov- Natalia Stroganova happenly helped to Sergey Lopatinskiy to spend my own inheritance financies.

When they need more – they ordinary took that financies in oil and gas concern Opec- under the trusteeship my own inheritance – as for my own needs. Paying for me with my own youngest son 60 dollars for both for month.

When my oldest son became to help me and to sent financies -they ordinary opened against him mass criminal cases, beating, him at regular basis, makes a mass of gangster’s attack’s against him and his office and blocked at there’s villages.

They undressed him in regular basis, when they see that he have financies. And sticks round with there prostitute’s and villages familes. Natalia Stroganova was the wife of the son of Yuriy Vladimirovich Andropov- Yuriy Stroganov.

One controll me in the newspaper, she control me not only by installation but with the help of her sister pressed my own sons in school too. Her native brother Aleksandr help to Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya from the bank Snoras – system of Conversbank to take my own profits from my own inheritance. Who decided to sell my own profits for that bank and for what reason?

That Aleksandr at that moment has the name Alex Gliklad. He – the partner of Josif Kobson- great and interesting singer with the name -policeman in zone and son of Josif Stalin.

That Kobson now have in his family some Michelle – native daughter of Michelle Obama. That Michelle- native daughter of Lubov Mazurina- Eberzenok with new name Irina Abramovich. As Roman Abramovich and under that name sometimes gone to the scene Konstantin Smirnov. And why was mass killing in Kuwait after that Primakov’s credit?That Primakov was the native brother of Raisa Gorbacheva- which now with Arkadiy Volskiy and his Conversbank at my own financies and profits happenly lived in Spain. (His wife Laura Charadze

played the role of Laura Bush in USA. Her double look like mother of Renata Kochneva – Kochneviene)

Raisa Gorbacheva legalisated her death 20.09.1999.

With strong connections with Larisa Bakova- native daughter from my adopting parents- now Asma Al Assad in Syria and with her mass doubles as Letizia in Spain.

That Larisa from native relations with gipsy’s and tatarian maids as Raisa Gorbacheva.

Such gipsy’s liked very much some Smirnov – Gromov- Elcin’s family with connections with Ezov- ex soviet fascist. There’s native daughter has a picture as Barbra Streizand and Ludmila Putina. Her name was- Tatiana Elcina. Foto -

when died Boris Elcin ( he was from Boris Gromov – Aleksey- Ivan- Smirnov’s family – with George Soros face – translated as -slop pail from Russia.) That Smirnov’s and campany ruled in my own inheritance fund, which they named George Soros fund. At cementry -Why were surprised Bill Clinton and George Bush?

The great financial ruler of all that gangster’s clan in concern Opec – Sergey Lopatinskiy with the face of the actor Sergey Stepanchenko and Sergey Zagrebnev- Zarembo. Both of them with native relations with Nikita Krushev, Ezov , Voroshilov.

Both of them helped to new prime minister of Japan some Yukio Hatoyama to seat down at that place. With the installation in nose. Who knows what is it ?

One of the childs of some Ludmila Putina- which was in real live Tatiana Elcina- Mechrenceva- Kozuhova , educated Japaneese language -Katerina. May be she decided to play the role in performance – the granddaughter of The King The Son. In 1986- 1990 they played the role of granddaughter of Anastasiya Romanova in Germany. In 1993 Ludmila Putina was under plastic operation after car crash. What is it? She was killed in 1993 and her biography was needed to Tatiana Elcina ? Who and what appropriated in Germany from my own inheritance from my own grandmother?

The system of Conversbank – Konversbank in which ruled Arkadiy Volskiy has strong connections with George Soros fund- my own inheritance from my own grandfather.

More- in Gorbachev’s fund, where happenly ruled Irina Noskova- Smirnova ( she was registrated as the daughter of Ivan- Aleksey Smirnov with native relations with Boris Gromov and with George Soros face and Ija Smirnova with the face of Elizabeth II ) under the name Irina Gorbacheva. They took the financies from that new named George Soros fund and spent it to the fund of Michail Gorbachev.

That fund name’s under the memory of Raisa Gorbacheva, which legalisated her death and organised the throne for herself in Spain at my own inheritance, getting into her head the crown from the paper. Don’t forgett that she -native sister of Evgeniy Primakov. He was Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Leonid Breznev’s ruling- now in his new biography he forgott to tell about it.

In fund seating down Irina Noskova- Smirnova under the new name Irina Gorbacheva.

And happenly deficated that financies for there’s needing’s. What do and done that maid in my own financie’s and my own inheritance? Now she that Irina Noskova- Smirnova- Gorbacheva in Greece with her great helper in the bed Aleksey Smirnov- which 21.09.2009 decided to beat me. Understand?

That Aleksey Smirnov work as the man on a call at Main Address: Kifisou 14 – P.O. 18233 – Call Center: 210 4851100 – Fax: 210 4812902. One of the address near Teleperformance, where all that slop pail family grasses me and my own son.

They live in Athens at Isminis 80 and Isminis 76, where live the stolen childs and childs of killing parents for sex trading. Near that Isminis 76- transportation cargo firm SABINO- where ruled some Armenian freak. He is coordinator of all that’s prostitute and killing business ( for killing). There’s friends rule in Greece.

Nikitas M. Kaklamanis was” born April 1, 1946 the Mayor of Athens. Kaklamanis studiedmedicine at the Medical School of the University of Athens. His medical training was spent inIoannina” and he was ” Assistant Professor of Radiotherapy–Oncology”. He was Ministry of the Health in Greece. Understand?

He was born in the day of russians jokes. And was an active member as Dora Bakoyannis- Irina Mamonova in the cleaning and killing the citizents of Athens.

109-111 Mesoghion Ave., 11526 Ampelokopi, Athens, Greece. Geniki bank covering of the Geniki Taxydromiki. gr.

“Since 2004, GENIKI Bank is a member or the Société Générale Group, one of the largest and most powerful financial groups in Europe, present in 82 countries.” When they started to kill the peoples in Greece since 2002 – 20.10.2002 -when they went me and my own son to the death in Lithuania- Dora Bakoyannis -some years ago she has a name Irina Mamonova and educated with me in Sverdlovsk at the same school and class and has a native relations with my adopting mother- her native mother was a sister of that slop pail adopting – became a mayor of Athens. From 2003 they started the appropriation of business and financies after the killing peoples in Greece. Irina Mamonova has medical higher education in Sverdlovsk.

To that shop “Dora” where they rule with the name of my own mother( that name appropriated adopting mother as etc.) at Isminis 82 makes supply’s firm with tel. number – 210 28 35746-747. That shop -place for distribution of poisoning substance’s. At the other side of that shop – house for childs- as childs garden – the place of the transit the stolen child’s and place of there’s transitory appearance. It is a place of store(keep)of the key’s of the killing victims houses and there’s dresses. And such situation in all Greece.

In Moscow that Conversbank- Konversbank was at the address Str. Goncharnaya 12.

That bank was in the hands of adopting mother- Dora ( Zoya ) Ignatievna Lopatinskaya and new made David Rockefeller in USA.

In any words Primakov- Breznev- Gromov- Stalin- Krushev’s families with the mass names but with there’s old faces.

At Goncharnaya Str. number 1 was ” Obschaya Gazeta” – in that newspaper- with Gorbachev as the owner- worked I, Vitaliy Yaroshevskiy from my class and school as vice editor and Anna Politkovskaya. At that address was registrated the Laboratory of AID’s and cancer. Who was the owner?

In 1979 that Gromov- Smirnov’s and Breznev’s families started the war in Afghanistan, blocking me in Volsk with two little childs. In 1981 in Egypt was killed Anwar Saddat and seating down some Hosni Mubarak – translated as – Mu-u-u and moo barrack. From Afghanistan they transported the zink coffins with Afghan’s soldiers (under the names of Soviet Union soldiers) which now have mass grave’s in ex Soviet Union.

And from that time in Afghanistan happenly live’s as now in Greece new baked citizen’s from Russia, Tatarstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and etc. All that Armenian- Georgians stinkers and skunks, dependents and beggars to my own banks accounts and profits from my own inheritance with there’s Mkrtchian, Noskova, Gromov, Gorbachev, Lopatinskiy, Krushev’s family’s with variants with the names -as invalid’s in the carriage’s jumping following me and pressing me debting billions and thousands of billions.

Now in Greece they cleaning the territory and killed the biggest part of the citizen’s of Greece with the help of that Hosni Mubarack and his gas from Egypt named Zarin-Sarin.

That Hosni Mubarak look like little Konstantin Likhosherst- Korotchenko- which native father was Andrey Korotchenko and mother Elena Likhosherst. Native daughter of Zinaida Likhosherst with the face of Barbara Bush in USA. And sister of Maria Likhosherst – now with new name Sheikha Moza in Qatar. As that Maria Likhosherst, as Lubov Mazurina- Eberzenok -studied with me at the University in Sverdlovsk. The great third gas countries as they named themselfes- Russia, Qatar and Iran.

In Russia rule’s happy husband of Tatiana Elcina – Vladimir Putin and strange mummer under the name Dmitriy Medvedev- double from the bear and honey know Jew.

In Qatar some Sheikha Moza- which some years ago was Maria Likhosherst from Kiev and has education with me at the Ural University in Sverdlovsk.

Her happy husband look like overeating Ivan Kostromskoy from my school and class, which lived in Sverdlovsk at the Str. Tatisheva-translated as – looking the Father Jew and she. In Iran “The first militant anti-Shah demonstrations were in October 1977″ – 8 month later when I borned my own first son . In september 1980 Iraq and Iran were during the war. In that time started the war in Afghanistan – during 9 month.

From 02.10.1981 some Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i became new president of Iran. Iran have a border with Afghanistan.

Leader was Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini. He started the revolution to appropriated the financies of my own grandfather. Later some Mahmoud Ahmadinejad started the privatization in Iran. As in Russia Anatoliy Chubais and in Israel Tzipi Livni.

What financies put in Iran my own grandfather and who decided to appropriate that financies as in Vietnam and Afghanistan?

In the beginning of 2000 the great relations between Belarus and Iran took place. From that time some Michail Fridman with connections with Stroganov- Andropov- Primakov families ( and with Ludmila Kozlova – Sherbenok from my school and class with the face of Sara Palin in Alaska) draged by tankers the oil ( and gas) from Iran.

What gas took Belarus and Russians freaks, robbers of my own inheritance , in Iran? Gas from Hosni Mubarak they took in balloon. Later when they poisoned me in Poland under the rulling of Angela Merkel with the face of Oksana Ginko, some times later to Poland jummped Hosni Mubarak 11.03.2008. And 14.03.2008 they proposed us to leave the Poland. They decided that financies, business and property they can to divide without me at all. And now the question- what gas they transported to Poland and what faces now live in Poland instead Polish?

Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei ,  rule in the country of my own trusteeship and inheritance,

04.06.1989 as Supreme Leader. Before that- he was a president of Iran. Iran is Opec country and somebody from that country must be the trustee in my own inheritance oil and gas business  monopoly. I wrote to that leader so many times that the time for answer  was ended in last century.

As for his boy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That Ahmadinejad was in Italy near Silvio Berlusconi with Hosni Mubarak – from that country I wrote for them so many times- and Bashar Al Assad was in UAE, when was air crash in UAE and was killed young man – he was registrated as the brother of Armenian  freak Khalifa, but in real life was not his brother at all. May be he was an inheritor of the higher trustee percents?

At the site of that leader some times ago was Kirghizian language- now Russian, Ispanian, Azerbaijan etc. With whom from Russia or Belarus, Spain and Azerbaijan has connections supreme leader of the country of my own  inheritance business trusteeship? And why that trustee till now  does not returned for me any percents from the profits from my own inheritance?  His friend  Hosni Mubarak originally from Kirghizia.  New made son of that friend  Gamal Mubarak- proletariat, looking the oil and gas places – originally from Azerbaijan. What they are doing in Egypt?

Not so far before our unblocking in Lithuania and the Litvinenko killing,which organized Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya with the campany, 06.11.2001 that leader has a meeting with Aleksandr Lukashenko – private boy of the Lopatinskiy’s -Kruschev’s- Breznev’s and Dzerzinskiy’s- Deranidze’s  family. They have a meeting without translater. In what language they were speaking?

In 25.08.2001 in  Scandinavia was a marriage of one  new made prince with bar worker and prostitute. Two weeks later 11.09.2001 was ruined twin- towers my own inheritance of my own grandfather. And tree weeks later they crushed my only one health leg to hide my own hobble  from the childhood.

For whom they  float  that ruddy prostitute Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya with Dalia Gribauskaite- Grybauskaite face that decided to kill me and my own son one year later? When we returned from the death day in day  23. 10.2002 in Moscow started Nord- Ost.  What is it?

For whom was selled that ruddy floors cloth, that after such trading  Sergey Lopatinskiy, Aleksandr Primakov-Gliklad, Pavel Lobov, Aleksandr  Turkin and  Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya decided to kill me and my own son?

As in 2008 in Italy now in Greece they make an elections and dancing and singing and playing at the cemetery ,where they have a mass killing of the Greeks.

When they buryed Badri Patarkatsishvili in Tbilisi they were so happy that applaud  at the cemetery. When Lithuanian freaks as Zuokas and K has information that died the owner of the Mac Donald’s system they dancing and  applaud from happiness- they appropriated his business.

That’s slop pail gipsy’s rip out and pull out every cents from our mouth, they found  lifelong overliving pension for there’s invalid’s  robbers and rats mind’s.

Not growing up cattle’s and pigs they where that take meat. More in Greece meat shops and eating shops there are biggest composition of sausages from meat’s, meat’s and  marble meat- who knows where are they take that meat’s?

The trader’s of human’s meat- alive and died human’s meat.

In there’s shops in Athens there are biggest composition from the dresses from the died peoples – that dresses they  give out for new.

They open mass shops for the renovation the appartments and houses after killing  the owners in that appartment’s and appropriation them’s.

They go to the Greece and take as a presents the keys from the houses of the killing peoples and there’s cars. And have a financing from my own inheritance stolen from me. And write off that stolen financing till now as a debts and my own needs, when nobody give them that financies no as a present, no as a debts.

And that freaks make an elections here in Greece .

The key’s from the houses of victims they store in the shop ” Dora”, where happenly work Aleksey Smirnov, which 21.08.2009 clobbered me and till now alive. In that shop they store the dresses of the killing victims. More the Armenian wife of that Aleksey  Smirnov have a hair after special grilling renovation, as white barby  - she play the role of great Hapoleon here – such barby’s so likes Boris Dekanidze or Aleksandr Turkin.

Such hair after special grilling renovation have the Azerbaijanian woman- the Hani’s friend ( he told that he was from Egypt).

Who grilling me all that times my own hair till roots, my own  black eyelashes, who damaged my own legs and makes for me atrophy of the  muscle’s the legs, back, hands, face? Who making to dust all my new things including new computer for which I must pay a credit!  New  travel TV. New travel bed with electronic pompa. All my own new flashlight’s. The electronic  ” Phillip” shaver of my own son. The bed linen.  Grilling and making to dust my own  new dresses, bag  ” Disiel”, new  suitcase and  grilled even pants.

All that freaks from Alfa Group system and connections with Primakov, Lobov, Bush- Likhosherst now Sheikha Moza in Qatar, Gorbachev’s  families.

They till now grub in my own bags, stoling the old papers, post cards, foto’s and till now look’s how to stick to not there’s financies. They till now beat me to the head, crying, squeling and beating to the head by there’s freaks as Aleksey pedophile Smirnov. With native relations with Boris Gromov – great Napoleon in Afghanistan.

That gas Zarin- Sarin they used in Japan in Tokyo metro in 1995. With the help of the great terrorist Oleg Lobov ( his native son Pavel Surkov- Lobov was the happy husband of Larisa Ginko- Surkova now with new name and doubles Hillary Clinton in USA).

That Oleg with native relations with Michail and Nikolay Lopatinskiy’s. That Nikolay was my adopting father. All of them with native relations with Leonid Iliich Breznev- translated as- illness lier need bank of Jews. They were his native sons. Now in Greece as in Japan they started the process of changing the names and masks. As they started that process some years ago when I was appropriated by them’s. Nikita Chrushev- Kruschev became a Soviet lieder and his daughter-with relations with Josif Stalin my adopting mother. Sergey Lopatinskiy was the son of Sergey Chrushev. Which now registrated as great citizent of USA.

Now that Sergey Chruchev- Kruschev write that decided to live in USA from 1990, but really more earlier- he go out from the Soviet Union at the beginning of 1970. In 1975 to his help was sent new made David Rockefeller- real David Rockefeller was killed in Tbilisi in 1975 in the home of Evgeniy Primakov and Laura Charadze- now Laura Bush in USA.

His helper Aleksandr Primakov under the name Aleksandr Gliklad ( legalisated his death in 1986 and from that time lived under the name Aleksandr Gliklad -translated as see or look hidden treasure), which robbed me with the help of there’s bank Snoras – now deficated and make to dust all my new things in his renting for me apartment and make a face that it is not he. My own financies and profits stolen from me they transfered to Cyprus. And happenly deficated.

There’s prostitute Silvia in real live – daughter of the sister of some Ija Smirnova- that sister was from Mazdok. All that nice and big robber’r family stole the testament of my own grandfather and own grandmother.

Japaneese mummer Akihito with the wife visited Hawaii 14.07.2009. They were in Mauna Beach Hotel in Hawaii.

“When Laurence Rockefeller designed the hotel in 1965, he put no televisions in the rooms. The Mauna Kea” – Mauna Beach Hotel in Hawaii. And was in Kahala Hotel & Resort. Who decide to ask them to visit Hawaii in any words who asked his mummers to took a meeting with thepuppeteer? New made David Rockefeller and Kruschev, Primakov – Bush family.

Schlitz Castle- place of meeting of Laura Bush and Laureen Harper 07.06.2007.- they meets in my own inheritance after my own grandmother. There was some summit of some G-8.

Akie Abe wife of Japaneese prime minister- connections with Laura Bush and Laureen Harper from Canada , Joachim Sauer – husband of  some cow Angela Merkel ( she visited Poland and Kachinskiy with private visit 16.03.2007 and I was savagenly poisoned in Poland- that Merkel has the face of Oksana Ginko) , and of that Abe- connections with Qatar and Ludmila Putina.

In any words with Laura Charadze – Primakova – now Laura Bush, Maria Likhosherst- now Sheikha Moza and her native mother Zinaida Likhosherst- now Barbara Bush. More- with Tatiana Elcina from the Elcin- Gromov’s family.

Marek Bienkowskiy- head of security of the Orlen company- that Pavel Lobov which was born as Pavel Lopatinskiy appropriated my own inheritance in Poland.

There’s appropriation they started from Belarus. And after my coronation ( crowing) and canonization in Warszawa they took an agreement with Hosni Mubarak  11.03.2008 to delivering the gas to Poland- and from that time in Poland disappeared Polish’s.  Orlen company with connections with New – York bank and new made Rothschild’s family. 20.03.1995 they started attact’s by Zarin (Sarin) in  the Tokyo subway.

Mitsubishi company was in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan – now in UK.

“Mitsubishi Bank (now a part of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group) was founded in 1919. After its mergers with the Bank of Tokyo in 1996, and UFJ Holdings in 2004, this became Japan’s largest bank.”

Mitsubisi Motors- 33-8, Shiba 5-chome, Minato, Tokyo 108-8410 Japan

“Throughout its history it has courted alliances with foreign partners, a strategy pioneered by their first president Tomio Kubo to encourage expansion, and continued by his successors. A significant stake was sold to Chrysler Corporation in 1971 which it held for 22 years, whileDaimlerChrysler was a controlling shareholder between 2000 and 2005. Long term joint manufacturing and technology licencing deals with the Hyundai Motor Company in South Koreaand Proton in Malaysia were also forged, while in Europe the company co-owned the largest automobile manufacturing plant in the Netherlands with Volvo for ten years in the 1990s, before taking sole ownership in 2001″.

It means that now my own inheritance of my own grandfather in the hands of Lopatinskiy, Lobov, Likhosherst, Bush, Primakov’s family with connections with Volvo and Nordea. With great gipsy’s swindler  Armenian freak Kerk Kerkorian- translated as – Kerk reproach An and expel – go out once again. And they need’s Gaagha’s tribunal.

“Mitsubishi have been allied with PSA Peugeot Citroën since 1999″ And with appropriation my own inheritance after my own grandfather in France by Lopatinskiy, Andropov, Stroganov, Primakov, Bush families.

telephone:+44 (0) 1895 276600facsimile:+44 (0) 1895 276699postal:

Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
Harman House, 1 George Street,
Uxbridge, Middlesex,
UB8 1QQ, England

telephone:+44 (0) 208 686 9551facsimile:+44 (0) 208 688 2035postal:Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
15th Floor, Leon House, 233 High Street,
Croydon, Surrey,
CR0 9XT, England

In Switzerland there are   Schlöss Tarasp- Castle 

That Castle appropriated some Michail – Stanislav Kovalenko- Lopatinskiy with the face of Hans Chloss or Stanislav Mikulskiy- now that Castle in the hands of Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya- wife of  native son from my adopting family Sergey Lopatinskiy and Valeriy Tarasov from my school and class. As Taro Aso in Japan.

The  native uncle of that Valeriy Tarasov was the double of Rupert Murdoch and native brother of that slop pail Valeriy Tarasov’s mother. Rupert Murdoch was killed in Lithuania in the end of 1989 -the beginning of 1990-th under the name Vytautas Landsbergis- Zemkialnis father and registrated in the death in 1993 .

Foto- inside  Tarasp Schloss -Castle  in Switzerland after design from  Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya

After that they appropriated my own inheritance in Australia with the help of Josif Kobson and Yuriy Rappoport.Aleksandr Gliklad  - Aleksandr Primakov was the partner of Josif Kobson.   New designer Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya happenly  undefecated that Castle – as from Belarus village.And now I live in the  half-cellar appartment in which all  painting  by brown floor paint as from ex Soviet Union collective farmer with such ceramics at the wall in kitchen.

Who with prostitute Silvia from Smirnov- Gromov’s family killed there old peoples, appropriated there’s appartment and now renting for me?       If Aleksandr Gliklad with Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya tooks my own profits from Middle East oil and gas projects in the bank Snoras. Who decided that I must take that profits in that bank in Lithuania and that profits took Bondarenko- Lopatinskaya ?
All that years all that campany with there’s doubles lived at my own inheritance and financies from Middle East oil and gas projects of my own grandfather.
They arrounded me and my own son’s by there’s morons rabble. They arrounded me now in Greece by there’s morons rabble.

The name of that gas Zarin from the word, using in the Ural- zarit’cia- means- to envy.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Los colores de Asia

El campeonato llega a Asia en un punto decisivo para el campeonate. Los circuitos asiáticos siempre ofrecen buenas carreras y dan algo de novedad después del periplo europeo. Circuitos como Suzuka, Fuji, Singapur o Shangai dan siempre buenas carreras. Sin duda, el mercado asiático es un objetivo para Bernie Ecclestone, y eso se nota en algunas libreas especiales que podemos ver en estos GP, con caracteres chinos o japoneses específicos para su público: 


BAR Honda 004 (Gp de China, 2004)

British American Tobacco, patrocinador principal de BAR Honda, vende la marca 555 en Asia. Por ello, cambiaban sus habituales logos de Lucy Strike por los de 555. Aquí vemos el Nº35 del probador Anthony Davidson con una espectacular librea (muy “cósmica”). Los coches de carreras fueron bastante más discretos: 

Yo personalmente me quedo con la de 2005: 


BMW Williams FW27 (Gp China, 2005)

Siempre me ha gustado la librea de Williams en su época BMW. Era profesional, muy corporativa pero de carreras. Para china llevaron un vinilo con carácteres chinos en el aleron trasero, muy llamativo. No me atrevo a descifrar qué pone. 


Brawn Mercedes BGP001 (Gp de Singapur, 2009)

La librea de Brawn se parece más a la del típico equipo de cola que al ganador que es. Necesitan patrocinadores cuanto antes. El gran logo rojo de Canon le da un aspecto más creíble y nos hace pensar en los tiempos en que Canon patrocinaba a Williams y Aytorn Senna estaba a los mandos. ¿Os imagináis un “Canon Brawn” con Bruno Senna como piloto?


Por cierto, aquí vemos un nuevo patrocinador para Brawn. Se supone que pone Scalp-D en caracteres japoneses. Se trata de una marca de champú. Por que ellos lo valen:

A mí me recuerda al rótulo "Continuará" de los anime.


Williams Toyota FW29 (GP de Japón, 2007) 

Airasia pagó algo más por aparecer de forma más visibles en los alerones de Williams. Lo curioso es que desbancó en ese lugar a otro gran asiático, el fabricante de ordenadores Lenovo. 

Spyker MF1 Toyota M16 (Gp de Japón, 2006)

En el Gp de Japón de 2006 se hizo efectivo el acuerdo entre Spyker y Midland para que el fabricante holandés se hiciera con el equipo. Con Spyker siguió tan cojo de rendimiento y presupuesto como esta foto sugiere. A parte del llamativo naranja, podemos apreciar unos caracteres orientales (no me atrevo a decir si japoneses o chinos) que si no voy errado corresponden a Myngia.Cn. Myngia.Cn fue uno de los tantos patrocinadores de la cola de la parrilla que nunca sabremos qué vendían. He buscado la web y ni rastro.


Y por último…

Super Aguri Honda  SA07 (Gp de Japón, 2007)  

No podía faltar en este post el equipo japonés por excelencia. Para el GP de Japón de 2007 estrenaron esta librea, con Four Leaf como patrocinador principal. Four Leaf es una empresa japonesa dedicada a la salud, la educación y la protección del medio ambiente. La clase de empresa para la que a todos nos gustaría trabajar (sin duda dormiríamos mejor por las noches). Por desgracia, esta empresa no puedo sacar del aprieto económico al equipo japonés, que tuvo que cerrar a mediados de 2008. 



Thursday, October 1, 2009


Ci sono giusto un paio di cosucce da aggiustare in Italia, nonostante l’apprezzabile slancio di qualche ottimista. Poca roba. Niente di serio: economia, lavoro, giustizia, istruzione, trasporti, comunicazioni, convivenza, qualità della vita… Forse sarebbe sufficiente causare una sorta di reazione a catena, un ‘effetto domino’ sul territorio italico e dentro le singole teste degli intestatari dei prestigiosi passaporti tricolore: un cambiamento che ne comporta un altro, che ne determina un altro ancora e così via. Io un’ideuzza ce l’avrei, e secondo me è proprio quello che ci vorrebbe per cominciare la svolta: sospensione concordata dell’istutito giuridico della Democrazia per un lasso di tempo da decidere e istituzione di una provvisoria Dittatura del Traffico Civile (DTC).

Mi spiego meglio (perchè ce n’è bisogno). In strada e sui marciapiedi noi simpatici connazionali – in media – diamo il peggio di noi stessi. Non sono l’unico a pensarlo, di certo sono uno dei tanti a viverne il conseguente disagio quotidiano: in altre parole, mi incazzo come una bestia per lo schifo che vedo in giro. E non parlo di cartacce o chissà quale altro rifiuto. Certo, ricordiamo tutti bene Napoli e le montagne di pattume, ma il vero problema, qui da noi, non è la monnezza  ma la totale inciviltà, strafottenza e impunità di chi guida, sosta, parcheggia, passeggia con cani ecc… A confronto, la ’strada’ come luogo di vita, in un paese come l’India, è molto più rispettata che da noi. Qui la strada non è che un fastidioso lembo di asfalto da calcare con arroganza e rozze maniere, per giungere al più presto all’adorata casa signorile nel quartiere residenziale (regaluccio di mamma e papà, che ormai ti sei fatto grande, o frutto di tanto bel lavoro in nero) o al ristorante dove tutti ci aspettano per una robusta magnata alla faccia di chi ci vuole male. E in fretta, possibilmente. Tentando di non sporcare – figuriamoci sfiorare o, ORRORE, gibollare in malo modo – la bmw o audi ultimo modello incollata sotto il culo. Il resto non conta. Basta leggere ogni giorno sui giornali del pedone maciullato di turno, o della strage tra le lamiere, per capire dove porta questa mentalità. Tanto ’sti criminali non faranno un giorno di galera, cosa credete? Ci sarà il Taormina della circostanza a connettere tra loro articoli e commi dei codici di diritto penale, a rincoglionire gli interlocutori e a permettere al biondo rampollo o allo svitato operaio strafatto di bamba di tornarsene a casuccia quanto prima.

E allora? Come posso io attraversare la strada senza rischiare di morire? Girare in bicicletta senza essere spalmato sull’autobus arancione accanto? Trovare strisce pedonali libere e utilizzabili, senza maledette auto in sosta o scooter in attesa di scattare come molle al verde? Passeggiare sereno senza dover schivare a pelo merde di cane e vecchi monitor di computer abbandonati? E soprattutto, siamo un paese civile (dai, non ridete… ci sto provando almeno) oppure facciamo schifo?

Al momento facciamo schifo, e parecchio. E in questi casi, di solito, per invertire la tendenza non bastano incoraggiamenti, discussioni stimolanti e blandi rimproveri. Serve il bastone. E direttamente sulla carrozzeria. Io partirei da lì, e solo in parte per scherzo: riconoscimento di uno stato di emergenza nazionale, elezione di un nuovo Governo NON rappresentativo (altrimenti ‘io voglio quel dicastero lì, a te questo dicastero qui’, e arrivederci), ministri sconosciuti e dalle facce cattive, pioggia di avvertimenti alla popolazione tramite i media già da un paio di mesi prima: è finita la pacchia, da domani si insedia un regime inflessibile proprio a partire dalla circolazione e dal traffico. Seguiranno fisco, meritocrazia, lotta alla criminalità e quan’altro. Ma prima civiltà sulle strade. Siete avvisati.

Ovviamente il 98% degli italici si farebbe una grassa risata, spegnerebbe il display tv in dotazione e sgommerebbe via con il SUV dai vetri scuri ad alta velocità, ritrovandosi però d’improvviso davanti al parabrezza sacchi di riso e travi di ferro con filo spinato a sbarragli la strada. DTC point: il pugno di ferro governativo. Mezzo requisito all’istante. Un mese di San Vittore, reparto immigrati clandestini sfruttati da imprenditore brillante. Aggravante SUV (che dà obiettivamente fastidio). Auguri.

 Telecamere piazzate ovunque (bada ben, solo per controllare il traffico, per cui voi ragazzi che vi stare rollando un sacrosanto joint, continuate pure), autovelox come se piovesse, vigili o poliziotti che si rifiutano di usare il pugno di ferro per non mancare di rispetto a chissà chi sostituiti all’istante – che la coda di volontari scalpitanti è lunga, ovviamente ronde DTC diurne e notturne: potevano mancare? No. E allora divisa scura, anfibi, walkie talkie, spranga e punteruolo in dotazione. E via per le strade. Parcheggio selvaggio? Sprangata ai fari. Ti fermi al semaforo sulle strisce e non, come ogni persona civile, prima? Punteruolo sulla fiancata. Subito. Senza ma, senza se. Dittatura, appunto.

Sì, già vi sento rumoreggiare, difensori del libero arbitrio, del dialogo, del preservamento della proprietà privata, voi detrattori del totalitarismo. Avete ragione, ma non qui e non ora. Voi vivete in Francia, in Brasile, in Lituania. Che ne sapete voi. Qui è l’Italia. La gente non capisce. No, meglio: la gente non punisce. Non viene punita. Anzi, la furbizia è modello di successo. Dagli scugnizzi del Regno delle Due Sicilie ai giorni nostri: pari pari. Solo che allora la furbizia, il sapersela cavare, erano spesso l’unico mezzo di sostentamento.

Datemi retta, Dittatura del Traffico Civile. DTC. Dodici mesi possono bastare, poi, piano piano, di nuovo la democrazia. Piano piano, però. E tenendo sempre il bastone accanto alla carota, almeno per qualche annetto. In seguito tutti capiranno, tutti saranno d’accordo. Dopotutto, non siamo così male noi italici. Vedi legge sul fumo, vedi qualità del cibo, vedi longevità, vedi stile, vedi senso estetico; è che siamo pigri in certe cose, non abbiamo lo slancio. E abbiamo sempre un modello, quel modello insopportabile: furbo = vincente. Non lo si scardina a parole. Ci vogliono vent’anni di televisione decente per farlo, ma non abbiamo più tempo. E allora spranga e punteruolo.

Sulla carrozzeria, intendo.